Thursday, May 23, 2013

Should a Breastfeeding Mom Be Taking Supplements?

[Kenyataan ini dipetik dan dirujuk dalam website breastfeeding]

Q : Should a Breastfeeding Mom Be Taking Supplements?  

A : In a word, yes! You should definitely be supplementing your diet with, well, supplements! 

Heres why: 
Our food is not as nutritious as days gone by!

 Not long ago, I was a firm disbeliever in supplements. I thought they were all part of a money making racket, and made up of cheap fillers that made no real difference to your health. I believed that eating a healthy diet of whole foods would meet your bodies nutritional requirements. That was until I had a health scare myself. Many tests were run, but the results that stuck in my head were those that illustrated how deficient in vital vitamins I was. It was shocking. 
Since then I have been researching vitamins and other supplements and how best to get what your body requires. First and foremost you need a varied diet of whole foods, plenty of fruit and vegetables and a good source of essential fats. Over and above this, due to the way in which fruit and vegetables are grown these days with an abundance of pesticides and only chemically replicated fertilisers, supplements are vital.

 Kepada anda yang baru mengenali supplement shaklee :

supplement shaklee
 Supplement Shaklee telah berada lebih 50 tahun dalam pasaran Malaysia. Apakah beza sebenar produk Shaklee dengan vitamin lain yang boleh di dapati dari klinik kerajaan dan farmasi? Pertama sekali kerana tiadanya silika gel dalam vitamin shaklee seperti dalam kebanyakan botol vitamin lain. Ini menandakan ianya asli dan bukan sintetik (tiruan). Vitamin Shaklee tidak mempunyai perasa tambahan, pengawet tambahan malah tiada bahan tambahan yang tidak diperlukan oleh badan. Shaklee Always Green, Always Safe and Always Works

 Sekiranya anda memerlukan suppliment untuk membantu anda cergas semasa menyusukan bayi, boleh call/wassap 0137669176 atau pm di FB Independent Distributor 877261

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